So, living in the Hudson Valley always has surprises! A few weeks ago I went to Diesing's for breakfast...
While I was eating, I was listening to two Woodstock Film Festival
goers chatting (loudly, wanting to be heard and sound important) about tech stuff. Normally I really try to ignore the weekenders trying to look important to us locals, but they were actually chatting about something I knew a little about. They were talking about the "new I-phone" that is coming out. I have never owned an I-phone and love my Palm Pre, but I may have to get the newest I-phone when it comes out. My sound system in my Subaru Legacy is awesome. My friend owns stock in the sound chip that is in my car, (Cirrus Logic) and he tells me that is what makes my car sound system sound so amazing. I don't follow sound and tech stuff, but my car really does sound awesome, and even clients have asked about it and I smartly tell them about what makes it sound so great!
These two tech geeks were chatting about how that same chip is expected to go into the new I-phone when it comes out. I use my phone to listen to almost all of my music and if this new phone is as sweet as they were babbling about, I may have to just get one, (like EVERYONE else has done and I have fought the trendy)!
One interesting little bit if info picked up living here in the Hudson Valley...